Monday, January 15, 2018

My Happy Basket

This week I put together a “happy basket”. A little basket of things that I can easily reach for that help my happy levels.  I can keep this basket by my bed, or bring it downstairs during quiet time, and have a selection of things that just boost my mood close at hand.

I spent some time thinking about things that make me feel happier. These are often spread around my house so I don’t think about them right away when I am feeling low. Placing them all in the basket, gives me a go to spot to help my mood. I have helped my son create a “toolbox” of things that help him when he is anxious, I figure mommy can have one, too!

So what is in it? I am glad you asked!

I started with a very small basket because I wanted to be really selective of what I included. If the basket was too big, it would be tempting to fill it with just anything.

First up, of course, is my Kindle reader! I mostly read on my phone, but there is something more relaxing about my reader. It is more focused reading (read: it doesn’t have Facebook or Pinterest).

Then I added a book of 5 minute mommy meditations. This book has great tools for meditating in short times, which, honestly, is all I have!

I included a favorite candle. This one might be hard to use because kids, but just opening it and smelling it brings me joy.

There is a notepad and a colored pen. I love colored pens. A notepad is for all the ideas that pop in to my head. And for brain dumping things that need to just get out of my head!

I received a charcoal mask for Christmas, so I put that in because I know it will be relaxing and bring joy. It would never get used if left in a drawer. I think I will try to keep something like this as a “revolving” item. A little beauty product or pampering thing.

This basket also holds tissues. Because sometimes the best way back to happy is right through the middle of a solid cry. I can’t count the number of times I have held it together until naptime and then sat down and let it all out. My days can include some intense moments. Crying is just another way back to where I need to be. Then, when I am done crying, I head to the last item in the basket….

The last item might be the most important. It is a little bag that holds chocolate. But, shhh! My family doesn’t know this. I don’t open this when anyone is around. It is just a little “mommy pick me up”. Sometimes I keep a bag of M&M’s, sometime it is truffles or something else I have picked up.

This basket is just a small set of things that bring me back to a better level of happy. That add joy when I am down. That provide that little lift to keep going. A little basket of things that says life will be ok, that mommy will make it another day, that there are little bits of joy in the day. I just have to look for them…right here in my happy basket.

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