Sunday, February 16, 2020

Show Jesus, Make Cookies

"....there’s something transformational about showing love to someone without all the glitter and spotlights. The people who understand this make joy their reward."

I read that last week in Live in Grace, Walk in Love by Bob Goff. The first person that popped in to my mind was my Gram. Honestly, she has been close to the front of my mind a lot recently. Today would have been her 89th birthday, and it is her first birthday she is celebrating in heaven. I miss her a lot. I thought you missed someone less with time. I miss her more with time.

She taught me so much about the best ways to live. The best ways to show Jesus. The simple ways to show Jesus. She loved simply. She loved, as most people remember her, with cookies. There isn't a lot of glitter in cookies, but they sure taste yummy, and yummy cookies make people smile. It was that simple.

And she had joy. I think of the song that goes "joy unspeakable and full of glory". That was Gram. She was always singing about joy. She knew the secret (that really shouldn't be a secret) that joy IS the reward. The more we love, the more joy we have. Talk about a gift with a high return on investment.

I want to show that kind of love. I want to help others see Jesus. I like the idea of a joyful reward. So, I have been baking a lot more cookies. It really is that simple.

Thanks for lesson, Gram. See you in heaven.

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